263 The Art of Dreaming by Carlos Castaneda : Book Review with Artist Sophie Lawson - Episode 263 of the So Free Art Podcast


In this one I talk about a book I recently finished, called ‘The Art of Dreaming by Carlos Castaneda’.

Co-host lilDENNiS was here too, as we talked about tings like:

Dreams Within Dreams,
The Physical Bodies Position When Falling Asleep,
Shape Shifting He-Shes,
False Awakenings,
Being Trapped in a Dream,
What I think of The Art of Dreaming by Carlos Castaneda,
Whose Dream Is This?,
What Happens When We Die,
Some of my Dream Experiences,
Last Weeks Accountability Session,
My YouTube Channel Moving Forward,
Lucid Dreaming Expert Robert Waggoner,
Social Anxiety,
The Four Gates of Dreaming,
Robert Monroe and his Out of Body Explorations,
The Link between Dreaming and Art,
and lilDENNiS helps me count to four.

Hope you like, and thanks for listening / watching :)

Behind Her Eyes TV Show Review : An About The Tings Walk and Talk Episode 249 of the So Free Art Podcast, with Artist Sophie Lawson


This ‘About The Tings’ episode is all about Behind Her Eyes on Netflix … it’s a walk and talk Behind Her Eyes TV Show Review :)

Co-host lilDENNiS wasn’t here for this one, but I got to talk about tings like:

The Amount of Characters in a Story,
Behind Her Eyes Spoilers,
Lucid Dreaming,
Dr. David Ferguson,
Louise Barnsley,
Adele Ferguson,
Rob Hoyle,
Night Terrors,
The Out of Body State,
Spirit Possession,
The Art of Dreaming by Carlos Castaneda,
Dreaming and Psychology,
The Silver Cord,
Behind Her Eyes Theories,
Could Someone Take Over Your Body When You Die?,
YouTuber Ally Law,
Getting Trapped In Another Person’s Body,
and It’s a Bit Windy!

Hope you like this one.

The Dream Realm : A Dump and Doodle with Artist Sophie Lawson - Episode 248 of the So Free Art Podcast


This ‘Dump and Doodle’ is a brain dump about The Dream Realm, while doing some Doodling.

Co-host lilDENNiS sat quietly for this one, as we talked about tings like:

False Awakenings,
Sun Gazing,
The Art of Dreaming by Carlos Castaneda,
Going Out of Body,
Balls of Awareness,
Is the Dream Realm the Same as The Spirit Realm?,
Being Reborn as a Baby with All The Wisdom,
How Nothing is Ever Forgotten,
Cubes Within Cubes,
Going to Sleep Within Dreams,
Dream Schools,
Staring At Stuff,
and I draw a Smiley Face :)

Hope you enjoy.

Healing Childhood Wounds : A Dump and Doodle with Artist Sophie Lawson - Episode 234 of the So Free Art Podcast


This ‘Dump and Doodle’ is a brain dump about Healing Childhood Wounds, while doing some Doodling.

Co-host lilDENNiS got us into this one, as we talked about tings like:

Healing Our Childhood Wounds,
Being Entangled with Our Parents,
How Art Shows Your True Emotions,
Our Inner Child and The Shadow Self,
Drawing Mum and Dad as Shapes,
How You Can Have Multiple Wounds from One Experience,
Shape Language,
The Sneakiness of The Mind,
Letting Ideas Grow,
Balance Between Work, Rest, and Play,
Entities and The Chakras,
How Emotions Manifest as Burps and Hiccups,
Needing Time Alone,
and lilDENNiS nearly Loses His Head:)

Hope you find this one useful.

Our Dream Self and Higher Self : An About The Tings Walk and Talk Episode 232 of the So Free Art Podcast, with Artist Sophie Lawson


This ‘About The Tings’ episode was a Walk and Talk around Plymbridge Woods in Plymouth, about Our Dream Self and Higher Self.

Co-host lilDENNiS was a Soggy Doggy, as he joined us for this one in the pouring rain, to talk about topics like:

The Relationship between our Dream and Higher Self,
Attending Dream Schools,
Learning Life Lessons From Animals,
Balancing Opposites,
Being Out In The Rain,
How Everything Is In Our Minds,
The Link Between Karma and Perception,
Being Immortal,
The Colours and Smells of Nature,
and We Say Hello To Some Cows :)

Hope you enjoy.

Relationship with GOD : An About The Tings Walk and Talk Episode 222 of the So Free Art Podcast, with Artist Sophie Lawson


This ‘About The Tings’ episode is a Walk and Talk about our Relationship with GOD, Connecting to GOD, and Communicating with GOD :)

lilDENNiS stayed at home again, but there were lots of birds out playing :)

Some of the topics include:

Having a Relationship with God,
What is GOD?,
Hearing Voices during Meditation and Lucid Dreams,
Connecting with Animals,
Super Computers, AI, and Robots,
Is Our Ultimate Aim as Humans to Become a GOD?,
The Gender of GOD,
and I have a lil Sing Song :)

Hope you like.

Waking Reality and The Dream State Relationship : An About The Tings Walk and Talk Episode 217 of the So Free Art Podcast, with Artist Sophie Lawson


This ‘About The Tings’ episode is a Walk and Talk about The Relationship Between Waking Reality and The Dream State :)

Co-host lilDENNiS came out with me on this one, as I sat by a tree for a bit, than went for a lil walk.

Some of the topics include:

How The Dream is like a Teacher,
The Co-Creation of Waking Reality,
Back and Forth Nature of the Waking and Dream States,
Stepping into Your Fears,
Facing Monsters,
How Fear and Love are Entangled,
Being Ok with the Word God,
Dream Interpretation,
Some of My Recent Dreams about Entities,
My Spirit Animal the Robin Shows Up,
I wonder if The Dream Realm is Actually God?,
and I get attacked by some Doggies :)

Hope you enjoy.

The Fear of Rejection : An About The Tings Walk and Talk Episode 214 of the So Free Art Podcast, with Artist Sophie Lawson


This ‘About The Tings’ episode is a Walk and Talk about The Fear of Rejection.

While co-host lilDENNiS stayed inside, I got to play on the swings lol

Some of the topics on this one include:

How Artists Have To Deal With Rejection,
The Multiple Layers of Emotions,
Lucid Dream Healing,
The Film Virtual Nightmare 2000,
Being Circumcised,
Adam and Eve,
The Beauty of Trees,
How The Fear of Rejection is Currently Dictating my Life,
Talking to Parents about Childhood Trauma,
Having to Shower Naked at School,
Social Anxiety,
The Fear of Saying Hello to People,
and Shopping Trolleys :)

Hope you enjoy.

Facing Fears with Desire : An About The Tings Episode 212 of the So Free Art Podcast, with Artist Sophie Lawson


This ‘About The Tings’ episode is a sort of Walk and Talk about Facing Fears with Desires.

Co-host lilDENNiS stayed at home, as I talked about topics like :

Entangled Opposites,
The Spirit Realm,
Multi-Layered Fears,
Accepting Yourself,
Social Anxiety,
Going to Art Class,
Feeling Emotions,
Embracing Masculine Attributes,
A Crying Baby Triggered Me,
Transitioning via Baby Steps of Fear,
Can We Ever Know What God Is?,
Reverse Engineering Big Fears,
Dealing with Rejection,
Spirit Possession,
Feeling Angry,
Lucid Dreaming,
Reality Shape Shifting Around Us,
and Bobby the Dog has a sniff :)

Hope you enjoy.