Future me from the year 2021 here *waves* The following diary entry is a transgender memory I first wrote back in 2004, on September the 1st, the day I told my Sister I was Transgender. I was quite emotional at the time, as she was only the second person I ever told about my female side, the first being My Mum. My Sister was in the Kitchen doing the laundry when I first told her, which is now such a vivid image in my mind, that it will forever be associated with this moment in my life :)
*end of future me*
What a day.
I rang me sister last night with the intention of telling her I was Transgender, but she was really tired, so I didn’t go round to see her like I had planned. Instead we arranged for this morning. So, after a sleepless night … I did. While I was round there, I went to tell her I was Transgender, but again, like with my Mum, I just couldn’t get the words out.
I kept saying, over and over again. Right, I’m not gay, but since about the age of 5 … that was as far as I could go. I kept repeating, I’m not gay, for about 10 minutes lol I kept asking her if she knew what I was going to say. She said “No.”

I then asked if there was anything I could do which would make her hate me and never speak to me again.
She said, “No.”
But I still couldn’t tell her.
In the end, probably more frustrated than I was, she asked, “Oh, shell I tell you what I think it is?”
“Yes,” I said.
She went, “Do you …” and then she couldn’t say it lol
So I started laughing, “See, it’s hard isn’t it?”
She said “Yeah,” but finally she went, “Do you wear girls clothes?”
I said, “Yeah.”
She said, “Well why would you think that would bother me?”
“I just don’t want to lose you,” I said, as tears rolled down my cheeks.
“Well it doesn’t matter,” she said, “It’s not like your a murderer or anything!”
After that we just talked and talked. I told her I’ve been like it since about 5, “Sod bottling that up,” she said. I never showed her any pictures, it didn’t seem right this time, but my Sister opened up a lot to me this afternoon too. Like saying how she says things in her head sometimes but when she comes to say it, she can’t.
I didn’t feel scared like I expected. Instead, I felt so much closer to my sister then I already was. We were even joking about dressing and wearing fake breasts. She said she knows what she’s having for tea tonight, chicken breasts, lol
– September 1st 2004, The day I told my Sister

– Satoru Fujinuma