Hello *waves* future me here again, just wanted to say, this was a originally a blog post, but I thought it more fitting to be in my diary now, as this entry is all about my male self Kevin Preston going up on stage to collect an award at the 2015 On Course South West Award Ceremony. Looking back at these photos, it really is like he/I was a different person :)

*end of future me*

In April I posted a piece of creative writing I wrote for my English GCSE course, entitled ‘The Blank Canvas‘. This week I, along with my Sister, Mum, Niece and Nephew, attended the On Course South West 2015 Award Ceremony where my piece of writing was on display.

I was shocked to find out later in the evening that I had won the award for special recognition too, my English teacher having nominated me. My Sister said she heard me say, “Oh no,” when my name was read out lol I was scared at the thought of going up on stage, but in my Blank Canvas piece I wrote, “…don’t let the fear take hold,” and so I didn’t, instead, I just walked up on stage. Scared, shocked, but very proud.

Here’s some photos from the evening, taken by my lovely Sister:

The whole night was so nice, very memorable. The hall was turned into a mini Art Exhibition with us, the audience, able to vote for our favourites. My Sister picked the winner :) I voted for a painting that reminded me of Sackboy from the video game Little Big Planet, but he didn’t finish in the top 3 sadly. There was also a hair / fashion show between each award; it actually made me want to do the hair styling course next year lol

One of the coolest things happened when I first walked into the main hall too. The official photographer came over and said, “What are you doing here?” In some strange twist of fate, it turned out to be Pin & Pose photographer Caroline from the Plymouth Hoe Art Fair I’m a member of. … Small world! Later in the evening I even sat and had an official photo taken with her, such a cool coincidence!

I’ll really miss my English Teacher Jemma though, you can see her in the photo above; She’s the one looking adorable in the black & white flower dress. She’s gone to pastures new now, but she made learning English so much fun. Without her I wouldn’t have experienced this memorable evening.

Thank you Jemma.


– Satoru Fujinuma