Future me here *waves* here’s a couple photos I found on my computer from this day, that massive tree is right outside the clinic … I love that tree :)
*end of future me*

So much to say. So much has happened. So excited for today’s visit. Since the last visit I’ve had my First Sophie Lawson Art Exhibition, started going to art class as me, and had a painting of me created entitled Celebrating Sophie, by the Artist Jo Beer; I even had time to change my name to Sophie Lawson by deed poll :)
So Much!
Sometimes I go to these visits and it feels like a million lifetimes have been lived between sessions, this is one of those days. Funny thing is, I don’t know what I’ll say today.
That was a pretty intense visit, we spoke about : Death, The Universe, My Therapists Past, My Therapists Cat, and BIG Dreams.
What a session. The time flew by, we were in my old Doctors office, I say old, because he has officially left. I haven’t typed up my entries from the Doctor sessions yet, but the Doctor who took over in session three is now my permanent Doctor. In a strange way, it feels like the Universe took care of the situation I had for me :)
We talked about therapy, she explained how she gets as much out of it as we her patients do, it really is a beautiful relationship between patient and therapist when you think about it. Therapists are pretty amazing, must be incredibly hard, but rewarding to meet and try to help so many people with complex mental issues.
We also spoke about big dreams, I explained the blueprint of mine, and she said if someone thinks it’s too big, or unrealistic, it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks, just go for it :) She is right, if you can find that sweet spot where you 100% don’t give a poop what anyone thinks of you, I really think you can do anything. I’m not there yet, but that place definitely exist within all of us, it’s just whether we can unlock it before we die :)
I’ve been asking her for photos of her cat for months too, in fact, I would guess it’s been about a year. I said I would do a realistic drawing of her cat, but she never had any photos. During today’s session she said about it and promised to send me some photos this week :) * me from the future, just popping in to say, she did send me some photos, and I did do a drawing for her :) You can see the finished drawing of her cat Scarlet here *
I loved this session.
Visit twenty four took place on the 21st of December 2017, and was the ‘mint angel‘ visit
– Satoru Fujinuma